Wednesday, November 13, 2013

week 6

This week in my 20% project 

For this week of my 20% project my and my prater we already stared to editing the pictures and we looked up at some quotes that we might be using for the pictures.  This pictures show  the differece between one and the other and how the poctures will look better when you take a good picture and with the quote it will look nice and it will also make people vecome more interest about floweres or not only that but they can like more the nature and its beauty. We are thinking about doing this to all the pictures that we will be taking so they can look nicer and yes you can find the difference between one of the old picture and  one of the new pictures and you can see that it looks nicer to edit them and it would look even better if it had a quote so we are looking for nice quotes that could go with them.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

week 5

This week me and my friend are happy about our 20% project so far we are on task and we are doing everything and so far we are taking pictures of all the flowers that we find. We went to the park where there was a lot of flowers  and we took a lot of pictures we were taking pictures because there was a lot of them so we were happy that we found a lot. Now this week we are glad that we found a lot of them so we would have many to by the end of the week. And this week we are thinking to edit all the pictures that  we already took so they can look nice and they can look like professional  and people will like them and see our blogs and get interested and look around because nature is beautiful but sometimes you don't look around to see what's around you.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 3

This week my friend and I are ready to start taking pictures to all the flowers that we see.  We are really excided to do this project because I like taking pictures of everything and I also like to edit it them and we will be finding really nice quotes that go with them and also quotes about nature.  This project is going to be fun and it will teach me how to work with a partner and also we can see nature in a different way because we will see all the beauty of the different types of flower there is and its going to take some time to edit them but i think it will be fun doing this and i will learn a lot about nature and everything that is aroind everyone even though we dont pay attencion i will be and i hope to learn a lot.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

week 1

week 1

This is the first week of our 20% project we finished our proposal and we decided what to do.  i will learn how to speak the basic Arabic. Lana will teach me for example the alphabet ans the numbers and some  basic phrases that can help me in Arabic. by the end of the year im supposed to be able to at least make a quick conversation with someone in Arabic. she will teach me at least 2 or 3 times per week so i can learn faster. i think  this 20% project will help both of us because i can learn a new language and it will also be really interesting learning a new language and it will be fun because i can spend time with someone totally new and different from me.we are thinking to make a video of how i learned it and if it was easy for me or hard. and i think this project will be really interesting and i think it will also be hard because Arabic sounds complicated but i will be able to say at least to say some short phrases.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

week 2

week 2

This week me and my partner decided that we were not going to do this project because it was hard for me and also for her. So we are not going to this project anymore because we never have time to work on it and the period is to short to learn something. whenever we wanted to work on our project we wouldn't have time and she also lives the opposite side to where i live so it was hard for us to decide when and also to see where we were going to do it. whenever i could she couldn't and whenever she could i couldn't so we actually never worked on it outside of class and for this project we needed more time and dedication and it was hard because my time was not matching her time. So I'm going to think about other project that can fit my time and that it would be easier for everyone. I'm thinking about doing other project and start it all over again but this time with someone else that will match my time and that lives close to me so that it would be easy to me and to her, so we will try to work together.