Wednesday, October 2, 2013

week 2

week 2

This week me and my partner decided that we were not going to do this project because it was hard for me and also for her. So we are not going to this project anymore because we never have time to work on it and the period is to short to learn something. whenever we wanted to work on our project we wouldn't have time and she also lives the opposite side to where i live so it was hard for us to decide when and also to see where we were going to do it. whenever i could she couldn't and whenever she could i couldn't so we actually never worked on it outside of class and for this project we needed more time and dedication and it was hard because my time was not matching her time. So I'm going to think about other project that can fit my time and that it would be easier for everyone. I'm thinking about doing other project and start it all over again but this time with someone else that will match my time and that lives close to me so that it would be easy to me and to her, so we will try to work together.

1 comment:

  1. Start work on your new project. You will be like 6 or 7 weeks behind because you switched projects. Use your time wisely on the 20% days. See me for help if you need it.
